This iris constitutional type has an overlay of brown or sometimes orange pigment with lighter fibers from the underlying stroma showing through. To the naked eye, sometimes a darker Biliary iris will appear brown, but under stronger magnification it is clear the fibers beneath the pigment are showing through. This distinguishes it from being a hematogenic (brown) iris.
The biliary iris constitution has subtypes as do the other two constitutional types. Subtypes according to color and structure are also found in each of the three constitutional types (lymphatic, biliary, and hematogenic). You can see a number of different markings in the iris photos above. Each one is different than the other. Irises are like fingerprints; there are no two alike. These factors are what the trained iridologist uses to complete an analysis to help develop a program that will lead to greater health or maintain good health.
These are examples to show how different the eyes can be. Each one is beautiful and unique. There are a number of other factors considered in an iris analysis beyond what is briefly described above. These include various markings, colors, spaces, openings, patterns and location of each that tell us something about your body’s health. Cheryl also includes sclerology, the study of the white of the eye (the sclera), and pupil tonus, which can provide additional information about a person’s health. All of this together gives a picture of your health that can help in determining what foods would be most helpful, and other lifestyle factors that should be taken into account for optimal health.